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Benevolent Fund


Benevolent Fund


This page is all about helping you and to provide information on the welfare front when you need it.  We are always here to help - please let us know if you have an issue that we can help you with.  If you don't let us know, then we can't be there for you.




The Kent Police Benevolent Fund and the Kent Police Staff Benevolent Fund provide members with somewhere to turn in times of need. Such need might be of a financial nature such as long or short term debt issues, or a cash flow problem due some sudden unexpected expenditure, or it may be due to an injury (on or off duty) or some other unforeseen health issue affecting not only the member but also his/her spouse or partner, or their children. The Benevolent Fund committee can consider any circumstance where hardship or distress is being caused to members. They have complete discretion to assist in any way they feel is appropriate, which generally means we can offer a loan or make a grant to help overcome or mitigate the particular issue.

Membership of the Police Fund is open to all serving Police Officers and may be continued into retirement, whether that retirement occurs upon completion of service or through ill-health.

The primary membership benefits are outlined via this link (member benefits) but include contributions towards expenses incurred during periods of treatment/surgery at hospital, a grant towards an initial private medical consultation in cases of NHS delay, and a death grant of £2000 payable to the members family upon his/her death, but which can also be paid to the member in the event that his/her partner/spouse dies first.  One death grant is payable per member.


Membership Cost


The current membership rate for serving Police officers (as of 01.09.15) is £3.60 per month, of which £2.61 is the contribution made to the fund, with the remaining 99p going to two police based charities, The Gurney Fund and the Police Dependants' Trust. The subscription rate for pensioners is £2.80 with no change to the benefits available. Retired Officers over the age of 65 remain members of the Fund for life and whilst they remain eligible to the same benefits they enjoyed as serving officers or as a subscribing pensioner, they are not required to make any further contributions.

Membership of the Police Staff Fund is open to all serving staff members and the benefits to staff fund members are identical to those available to police officers in the Police Fund, with the one exception that in the event of the death of a member, or his/her spouse/partner, the death grant of £2000 is payable only if the member is still serving with Kent Police. The subscription rate for membership of the Staff Fund is just £2 per month. Staff Fund members who retire with more than 5 years service in Kent police and more than two years as a fund member remain members of the fund for life but are not required to make any further contributions.

Please contact Gary Sutton or Debbie O'Neill in the Benevolent Fund office on 01622 653066 or   for any further information. 


Subscriptions whilst on Maternity Leave


Subscriptions will continue to be deducted from subscribing members of Kent Police Benevolent Fund and Flint House during paid periods of maternity leave, including periods of SMP. If a member then goes onto a period of unpaid maternity leave they will continue to receive the benefits of being a member of the Benevolent Fund even though not contributing providing they were a subscribing member up to the point of commencing unpaid maternity leave. 

However, in relation to Flint House only, subscriptions will need to be made direct to Flint House via standing order in order for cover to continue whilst on unpaid maternity leave. Details for the standing order can be obtained via the Benevolent Fund office. Please contact Gary Sutton or Debbie O'Neal in the Benevolent Fund office on 01622 653066 or   to obtain details.

Images on this site are provided for general interest purposes, and certainly do not always relate to the text they are places with.  They are  gleaned from open sources where possible, or with consent of the owner.  If you have any images which you would like to be considered for inclusion on this site, please mail them here

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